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NOTE:  This page is a legacy page which was frozen in 2002.  For current information go to   

The North American Hindu Association offers two sets of awards: the Dharma awards and the Karma awards. Both are non-sectarian, non-denominational Hindu religious awards. You do not have to belong to any group or a temple.  Each allows Hindu children to learn the basic fundamentals of Hinduism and gives parents an opportunity to participate. Both sets of awards are approved for use by the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Hindu children and parents who are not involved with scouting programs are also welcome and encouraged to participate in these awards.

Curriculum Outline DHARMA Award:


These four basic Hindu concepts are introduced at a very elementary level.  The Bhakti section introduces the concept of worship at a basic level.  This program is suitable for pre-teens, grades 3 to 8 (pre-high school).


1. Dharma
2. Artha
3. Kama
4. Moksha

These are the four canons of Hinduism. They are introduced at a more advanced level.  The structure is more formal and a constant interaction with adults is emphasized.  Several advanced concepts such as Suddha Karma, daily puja, mantra recitation, scripture reading, and studying are emphasized.  Each canon involves a student with an independent project, puja, and other things to do.  The study is comprehensive in nature and allows both student and mentor to go in depth to the level of their own abilities.  This program is suitable for teenager and older, high school and young adults. 

Mentor programs corresponding to the student programs are Dharma Saathi and Karma Saathi.  These are suitable for parents who wish to work with their children. 

Counselor recognitions corresponding to the student programs are: Dharma Bhakta and Karma Bhakta. 

Hindu Religious Growth Programs:

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is involved in earning the award?

Typically three persons are involved.
1. The Student, who is working toward the Dharma or Karma Award.
2. The Mentor, called Dharma Saathi or Karma Saathi, who is the parent or guardian working side-by-side with the child. The mentor is considered a “student” alongside the child. The mentor may elect to complete a workbook and earn a Saathi award as well.
3. The Counselor who is called Dharma or Karma Bhakta and is responsible for “guiding” the course.  Typically this is a priest from a temple with which the mentors are associated.  It is a generally accepted doctrine that a priest associated with a temple should be able to serve as a spiritual counselor.  However, a great diversity amongst Hinduism is recognized.  We will accept any person knowledgeable in Hinduism and designated by the priest or a parent.  Although some Hindu religious traditions require a spiritual teacher to be male and/or Brahmin, for the purposes of this program, anyone may serve as a counselor.  A counselor should be a practicing Hindu, knowledgeable in Hinduism, and approved by parents.  However, a parent acting as Saathi MAY NOT act as Bhakta for the same student.

How long will it take to complete the program?

Dharma award requirements can usually be completed in about one month.  Karma award requirements can usually be completed in six to eight months.

Does each student & Saathi need a workbook?

Yes. Students are required to keep a personal record of their progress. Materials are copyrighted.  Please do not duplicate them.  Saathi (parent or guardian) can elect to enroll in Dharma Saathi or Karma Saathi program and earn their respective award.  If they elect not to enroll, they can simply use the Saathi workbook to guide their student.

Does each counselor need a manual?

Yes.  The Dharma or Karma Bhakta does not have a workbook.  It is understood that the Bhakta has adequate background to guide not only the Dharma or Karma student but also the Saathi and that he/she does this as a suddha karma, that is, without expectation of anything in return. In doing so, he/she is serving as an excellent role model.  However, when the students successfully complete the Karma program, they may choose to present a certificate of recognition and/or a Dharma or Karma Bhakta pin.  Both recognitions may be presented at an appropriate ceremony. How do I order the recognition items?  Recognition items are ordered upon completion of the program.  An order form will be sent with the workbooks.

Do I have to belong to a temple or a Hindu religious group?

No.  These programs are non-sectarian in nature. 

How do I order Awards?

Note: Use current info at:

If ordering for multiple students in different households, please copy this form and complete for each student. 

Date: ________________________
Supplies to be sent to:
Note: Must be an adult.
If other than a parent, please specify relationship _________________

                         First Middle Initial Last Name

Address ______________________________________________

City ______________________________________________

State ___________ Zip ________________________

Student Information:
Please PRINT Name ____________________________________________________
                          First Middle Initial Last Name

If different from above,

Address ______________________________________________

City ______________________________________________

State ___________ Zip ________________________

Ph: Home _____________________________

Work _____________________________

Fax _____________________________

E-mail _____________________________

Age: __________ Grade: _________

Scout Level, if applicable ______________________________________

Father’s Name ___________________________

Mother’s Name ___________________________

Who will act as a Saathi: _______________

For additional students working with the same Saathi, please provide the above information for each student on a separate sheet.  There are two award series.

Dharma Series: Suitable for pre-teens, grades 3 to 8 (pre-high school). 
Karma Series: Suitable for teenager and older, high school and young adults. 

Please select an appropriate series - Students must be in the appropriate grade when they start.  Karma students may not go backwards and earn Dharma award.

                                     Quantity               Price
Total Dharma Series         ______ $ _______
[Contains 3 books as follows: Dharma Workbook, Dharma Saathi Workbook & Dharma Bhakta Manual]

Karma Series                      ______ $ _______
[Contains 3 books as follows: Karma Workbook, Karma Saathi Workbook & Karma Bhakta Manual]

Additional Workbooks (for students using the same Saathi and Bhakta)

Please specify                     ______ $ _______
Other Items
Hindu wedding ceremony ______ $ _______
Hindu calendar dates         ______ $ _______
Meaning of OM                   ______ $ _______
Explanation of Bindi           ______ $ _______

Awards for Display or Collection:
[ ] Dharma Badge for Boy Scouts
[ ] Dharma Pin for Girl Scouts
[ ] Karma Badge for Boy Scouts
[ ] Karma Pin for Girl Scouts
[ ] Dharma Saathi Pin
[ ] Karma Saathi Pin
[ ] Dharma Bhakta Pin
[ ] Karma Bhakta Pin

Total number of awards ________ $ _______
Postage & Handling included for regular US Mail.
For Priority Mail, please add $  _______
For Overnight Mail, please add $  _______

Check # _______ Total Enclosed _______

Mail to:
North American Hindu Association

Phone #:

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The web site is a legacy site of the Viking Council BSA, now Northern Star Council.  
This site was the original council site and was active from 1996 to 2002 and run by volunteers.  As the web became more important to Scouting, the council took over with paid staff.  This site is no longer maintained but is an interesting snapshot of an early Scouting web site.    You can share your comments
using our on-line form or send a message to the Webmaster.   Thank you for visiting!


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Last Update February 03, 2025