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  The summary data seen here  is updated  at midnight and is reset at the beginning of each month.

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Last updated: 7/20/2024
  1. AppleWebKit 537.3 (598)
  2. Sogou web spider 4.0 (448)
  3. AppleWebKit 605.1 (337)
  4. Googlebot 2.1 (280)
  5. Apache-HttpClient 4.5 (100)
  6. DuckDuckBot 1.1 (71)
  7. Firefox 127.0 (64)
  8. MJ12bot v1.4.8 (61)
  9. AhrefsBot 7.0 (36)
  10. Chrome 116.0 (30)

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This page is  automatically generated by the Web Server.   Each unique visitor to a specific page is registered (one) time for that page.   Multiple visits in a month are counted only one time.    Since this table is based on the current month,  the information is reset to zero to start each month.    The information is generated at midnight, each day, and is only updated once per day.    Any visits made today will be reflected in the counts that are available tomorrow.

The web site is a legacy site of the Viking Council BSA, now Northern Star Council.  
This site was the original council site and was active from 1996 to 2002 and run by volunteers.  As the web became more important to Scouting, the council took over with paid staff.  This site is no longer maintained but is an interesting snapshot of an early Scouting web site.    You can share your comments
using our on-line form or send a message to the Webmaster.   Thank you for visiting!


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Last Update May 15, 2023