Pope Paul VI National
Unit Recognition
Purpose: to promote
Catholic Membership and
- Recognize the Charter
- motivate and improve the
effectiveness of the individual unit and its adult leadership
- to provide each youth with a
top-quality program which encompasses the religious, vocational, and
educational aspects of Scouting under Catholic auspices.
Recognitions include:
- A multi-colored certificate
bearing the coat of arms of Pope Paul VI and the signature of the Bishop
(for the Chartered Organization)
- A multi-colored embroidered
patch bearing the coat of arms of Pope Paul VI with year segments (for each
registered member, youth and adult)
- A papal colored ribbon
bearing the coat of arms of Pope Paul VI for the unit's standard (for the
Each unit of a chartered organization may
earn this recognition on its own merit for a particular calendar year and may
re-earn it for succeeding years providing the yearly requirements are met.
This recognition can be obtained once each year. Each January, eligible units
should submit their certification as required.
Requirements (briefly) include:
Unit must be chartered to a Catholic parish, school, Knights of Columbus council, etc.
- Unit leader who completed leader basic
training (including Youth Protection)
- A trained Religion Emblems counselor
- Two-deep leadership
- One leader who completed "Scouter Development"
- A unit service project
- Spiritual growth including a religious emblems program
- Unit participation in a religious activity
- A Vocational awareness program
- One person serving with the local Catholic Committee on Scouting
- A plan to increase unit membership
Golden Bow Achievement
The National Catholic Committee on Scouting
(NCCS) is in the midst of a National Catholic Membership Initiative which is a
joint emphasis of the NCCS and the Boy Scouts of America. This program has
four major goals:
- Organize more units in
Catholic parishes and schools
- A significant growth in Catholic youth Scout membership
- A strong emphasis on role model adult leadership
- A quality Scout program for all Catholic youth
A set of Golden Bow recognitions is available for units and
leadership working to meet these goals and increse the availability of Scouting to
Catholic youth:
- A Golden Bow certificate can be presented at the discretion
of (Arch)diocesan committees to adult leaders and committee members who have made a
commitment to the Membership Initiative.
- A Golden Bow Achievement patch can be presented by unit leaders to Scouts who
recruit a new member to their unit.
- A unit Membership Initiative Streamer can be presented by (Arch)diocesan
committees to units increasing their membership by more than 10% (or a minimum or
three new members).
ScoutingBSA.org web site is a
legacy site of the Viking Council BSA, now Northern Star Council.
This site was the original council site and was active from 1996 to
2002 and run by volunteers. As the web became more important to
Scouting, the council took over with paid staff. This site is no
longer maintained but is an interesting snapshot of an early Scouting
web site. You can share your comments using our
on-line form or
send a message to the
Webmaster. Thank you
for visiting! |