Light of Christ Emblem
The "Light of Christ" is a program
developed by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) for Cub Scouts
and Tiger Cubs of the Catholic faith.
This is a parish and family oriented program in which the Cub
Scout works with his parents.
Its purpose is to have the Scout develop a personal relationship with Jesus
Christ, as a real person and his friend. This type of relationship will help him
to better understand and appreciate Christ's love and concern for him. Through
the active assistance and participation of the Scout's parent in this program,
it is hoped that he will come to see Jesus as a real person and his friend.
The objectives of the program are as follows:
To be eligible to work on the Light of Christ program, a Scout must be
a registered Tiger or Wolf Cub Scout of the Catholic faith. To receive the Light
of Christ emblem, all requirements are to be completed before the Scout starts
the third grade. Note: Requirements can be adjusted to the specific needs
of the handicapped.
It is necessary that each participating Cub Scout has an individual Light of
Christ record book. Most Scout service centers stock these manuals. Your local
Boy Scout service center can put you in touch with the Catholic Committee if
Upon completion of the program, the Cub Scout is presented with the Light of
Christ emblem. This is a pendant suspended from a bar. The BSA has authorized
the wearing of this emblem on the Cub Scout uniform. The appropriate Scout knot
can be worn on the uniform to indicate that the emblem was earned. For more
information, contact one of the following: