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This Unit Operating Document  is presented strictly as an example of work by a Scouting  Unit.      The Viking Council BSA does not,  in any way,  reject or endorse the specifics that are contained therein.   Units are  encouraged to positively address their own particular needs based on the 12 Points of the Scout Law

This is a compilation of several manuals developed by Troops and is suggested as a starting point for Troops that wish to develop a similar document for their Troop.   The Policy manual for the Troop should be given to every new scouting family when they join the Troop.  This practice will prevent later misunderstandings when problems or questions arise.

B.S.A. TROOP 206



The Troop has developed this manual to help answer questions that scouts or their parents may have about the Troop, and how it functions. It is divided into 13 sections and covers the majority of the questions that come up regarding Troop 206.  Our Troop was founded in 1946 and has a proud heritage.  These policies are intended to promote the excellence in the program that has allowed the Troop to attain this tenure.   We do hope that the parents and the new scouts will read this manual so they understand what is expected from the family, and what should be expected from the Troop.



We extend a warm welcome to you and your son. By joining B.S.A. Troop 206 you have given permission for your son to participate in an organization whose purpose is to provide an effective program designed to build the desirable qualities of moral strength and character, the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and the development of strong physical, mental and emotional fitness. How the boys accomplish this involves a diverse program of methods and activities. The path to Eagle Scout, even though a lot of fun, is a big challenge, less than 2% of those who come into the program achieve this goal. The troop is not a baby sitter for those parents dumping their sons to gain more free time, the Scouting program works at its best when generous amounts of parental motivation and encouragement are there to help the scout along the way. From time to time you will be called upon to provide assistance to the troop, but we will try to keep this to a minimum. For those who would like to become more active in the organization, we always have openings in the leadership and committee positions.


We would like to welcome you to Troop 206 ! We are glad that you decided to join us for the fun, excitement and learning experiences we will share. We hope that you find this a rewarding and help the troop grow and reach our goals. Good luck on your trail to Eagle!



Boy Scouting works towards three aims. One is growth in moral strength and character. We may define this as what the boy is himself: his personal qualities, his values, and his outlook. A second aim is participating citizenship. Used broadly, citizenship means the boy's relationship to others. He comes to learn of his obligations to other people, to the society he lives in, to the government that presides over that society. A third aim of Boy Scouting is development of Physical, mental, and emotional fitness. Fitness includes the body (well tuned and healthy), the mind (able to think and solve problems), and the emotions (self control, courage, and self respect).

The ideals of scouting are spelled out in the Scout Oath, Law, motto and slogan. The Scout measures himself against these ideals and continually tries to improve. The goals are high, and as he reaches for them he has some control over what he becomes. Show Scout Spirit, a requirement for each rank advancement, means living up to these ideals.

The patrol method gives scouts an experience in group living and participating citizenship. It places a certain amount of responsibility on young shoulders and teaches boys how to accept it. The patrol method allows Scouts to act in small groups where they easily can relate to each other, These small groups determine troop activities through their elected representatives.

Boy Scouting is designed to take place outdoors. It is in the outdoors that Scouts share responsibilities and learn to live with each other. It is here that the skills and activities practices at troop meetings come alive with purpose. Being close to nature helps Scouts gain an appreciation for God's Handiwork and mankind's place in it. The outdoors is the laboratory for Scouts to learn ecology and practice conservation of natures resources.   We practice and follow the BSA Outdoor Code.

Scouting provides a series of surmountable obstacles and steps to overcome them through the advancement method. The Scout plans his advancement and, by participating in the troop program, Progresses as he overcomes each challenge. The Scout is rewarded for each achievement, which helps him gain self confidence. The steps in the advancement system help a boy grow in self reliance and the ability to help others.

Boys learn from the example set by their adult leaders. Troop leadership may be male or female, and association with adults of high character is encouraged at this stage of a young man's development.

As Scouts plan their activity and progress towards their goals, they experience personal growth. The Good Turn concept is a major part of the personal growth method of Scouting. Boys grow as they participate in community service projects and do Good Turns for others. There probably is no device so successful in developing a basis for personal growth as the daily Good Turn. The religious emblems program is also a large part of the personal growth method. Frequent conferences with his Scoutmaster help each Scout to determine his growth towards Scouting’s aims.

Boy Scouting encourages boys to learn and practice leader-ship skills. Every Scout has the opportunity to participate in both shared and total leadership situations. Understanding the concept of leadership helps a boy accept the leadership roles of others and guides him towards the citizenship aim of Scouting.

The uniform Makes the Scout troop visible as a force for good and creates a positive youth image in the community. Boy Scouting is an action program, and wearing the uniform gives the Scout identity in a world brotherhood of youth who believe in the same ideals. The uniform is practical attire for Scout activities, and provides a way for Scouts to wear the badges that show what they have accomplished.







Twelve will have their first contact with a church or synagogue.
Five will earn their religious emblem.
One will enter the clergy.
Eighteen will develop hobbies that will last through their adult life.
Eight will enter a career that was learned through the merit badge system.
One will use his Boy Scout skills to save a life.
One will use his Boy Scout Skills to save his own life.
Seventeen will become Scouting volunteers.
Two will become Eagle Scouts.


Troop 206 is committed to the concept of the uniform as established by the Boy Scouts of America. The wearing of the uniform helps the troop in a number of ways:

When smartly worn, the uniform helps build troop spirit, and a Scout’s pride in himself. By wearing the uniform the Scouts give each other support, and when properly worn on the correct occasions, it can attract new members. Scouts in uniform create a strong, positive youth image in the neighborhood, thus helping to counteract the negative feelings some adults have about youth, and the uniform makes the troop visible as a force for good in the community. By investing in a uniform , a Scout and his parents are really making a commitment to take Scouting seriously. By wearing the uniform Scouts declare their faith and commitment and important beliefs that bind them to ALL people. And finally, as Scouts wear the uniform, they are standing for some principles, in the open, where everyone can see. Scouts are standing with each other, not alone, declaring their intent to support the principles which Scouting stands for.

The uniform is to be worn to ALL SCOUTING ACTIVITIES, including meetings, camp outs , and outings, unless specified by the adult leadership. During the summertime we allow the class “B” shirt at outings, but when the troop is going to or from a Scouting function or event we require all members to wear the Class “A” shirt. Once they arrive we normally allow them to change to the class “B” or other shirt, depending on the conditions. We do not allow scouts to wear any clothing that advertises alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, or has any derogatory or offensive messages.

Troop 206 adheres to the normally required uniform parts that are listed in the BOY SCOUT HANDBOOK. Some parts are optional or provide more than one choice, and due to the cost of the uniform the troop has worked out some alternatives.

1.  Shirt – Standard short or long sleeve class “A” tan shirt. We recommend the short sleeve, because it is better for year around wear.
2.   Pants – Standard long pants for winter wear; standard shorts for summer wear Red-Top green socks are worn any time the shorts are worn. To reduce the cost, the troop will accept blue jeans type pants if they are in good repair.
3.   Belt – Standard Scout green web belt with B.S.A. buckle.
4.  Hat – B.S.A. red and green ball cap, or troop hat for summer, warm hat or stocking cap for winter.
5.   Shoes with socks – Choice is the option of the scout with long pants.
6.   B.S.A. / Troop neckerchief and slide – Of the scout’s choice. The troop provides the scout with a troop neckerchief when the scout acquires a class “A” shirt.
7.   Class “B” T-shirt – From time to time the troop has class “B” t-shirts silk screened. They may be purchased from the troop when available, and are used to supplement the uniform when more than one shirt is required, or to reduce wear on the class “A” shirt.
Note: Any Old style uniform parts are appropriate for wear.

Troop 206 emphasizes correct insignia on the uniform. Certain insignia are provided by the scout, while others are provided by the troop. Your BOY SCOUT HANDBOOK tells you where to correctly sew your uniform insignia.


1. Viking Council Strip - For the left shoulder.
2. Troop 206 numerals - On the left shoulder below the Veteran Unit Bar.
3. American Flag - On the right shoulder. (Normally included with the uniform.)
4. Red Loops - For shirt Epaulets.
5. World Crest  - Above left pocket.
6. Patrol patch - For right shoulder.
7. Order of the Arrow pocket flap - (If O.A. member) for right pocket.


1. 50 Year Unit Bar - On left shoulder between council strip and unit numerals.
2. Current Badge of Rank - For left shirt pocket.
3. Badge of Office - (If any) for left shoulder.
4. Trained Strip - for right sleeve (If trained youth leader)
5. The Current Quality Unit Award - For the right sleeve. A maximum of two may be worn.
6 Service Star - Awarded for the number of years with the troop. To be worn 3/8" above and centered over the left pocket.

The Troop will provide the above insignia for one uniform shirt for each of the youth member. the scout is responsible for all insignia for additional uniforms he may own.



The troop holds weekly meetings on Monday nights at which time training is provided, activities are planned, and a fun event is held. It is very important that the scouts attend the meetings on a regular basis so that they can keep up on troop activities, and learn to function within the troop environment. The troop gives out monthly attendance awards, and a member who has no more than one excused absence during the month will receive the award. A member can receive an excused absence by notifying an adult leader any time prior to the meeting. The meetings will be conducted by the patrol method and lead by the Senior Patrol Leader and the adult leadership. Dues will be collected at each meeting and if a scout misses a meeting he will still be required to pay the dues for that meeting.

Troop 206 tries to schedule one weekend camp out or activity per month.  

Camping is a major part of the scouting program, and our major appeal to the youth. A critical part of our camping program is transportation.


The Adult leadership will provide transportation for all troop equipment and as much personal gear as possible, but we do not have enough room to transport all of the scouts. Without parent participation our camp outs are limited to wherever the scouts can hike to. The normal procedure is for parents to volunteer to drive on a rotational basis, thereby limiting the amount of vehicles and the number of times that any parent has to drive. The other alternative is that each parent will be responsible for delivering their scout to the site of the camp out. Some special long distance camp outs may require that the drivers camp with the troop.

Three Weeks Prior To The Event - The patrols will determine the number of members going, and their menu has to be approved by the adult leadership.

It is very important that a scout find out whether he can go as early as possible. If we do not know how many scouts are participating, it is almost impossible to plan a menu and buy food for the camp out.

Two Weeks Prior To The Camp out - A patrol member selected by the Patrol Leader will price the food, and notify the members of the cost.
One Week Prior To The Camp out - The scouts must pay for the camp out, or they will not be allowed to participate.

Any member who pays for the camp out and then at the last minute is not able to attend will forfeit their payment. Once the food has been purchased we WILL NOT give refunds.

The cost of food at our camp outs is the responsibility of the scout or adult attending, and at the current time normally averages about $8.00 to $10.00 per camp out.  The troop provides the major pieces of equipment that the scouts will require for camping. (See the Equipment section)

Parents are always welcome at our troop camp outs, whether for a short visit or camping with the troop. If you plan to camp with the troop or stay for meals we ask that you notify the adult leaders in advance so that tents can be provided and you can be figured in the food budget.  

The troop also participates in the Lake Minnetonka District spring (April - May) and fall (September -    October) camporees. The sites for these events are selected by the district, and if we wish to attend, parent participation as transportation for the scouts is required. At these events we “Troop Camp” , and use the Patrol method.  The participating members share the cost of the food, and in addition these events have a registration fee to cover the cost of running the event, and providing a camporee patch.

The troop participates in the Viking Council summer camp program, which is a long term camping program (6 days), held at Many Point Scout Camp each year. Attending this camp is VERY IMPORTANT to the advancement growth of the troop's members.  A youth member is provided with the facilities and trained leadership to earn rank advancements and merit badges that are difficult or impossible for Troop 206 to provide during the rest of the year. This opportunity is especially important to those brand new scouts. Summer camp provides a quick start on the Boy Scout program, and gives these scouts 80 to 90 percent of the requirements they will need to achieve all of the advancement ranks up through First Class, usually within one year!

Informational Meeting
- The Troop will hold a meeting at least one month prior to summer camp to explain summer camp policies and procedures. It is very important that parents attend this meeting so that any questions or misunderstandings can be resolved. - The Troop will hold a meeting at least one month prior to summer camp to explain summer camp policies and procedures. It is very important that parents attend this meeting so that any questions or misunderstandings can be resolved.

Camp Fees - All camping fees must be paid before going to camp. The council deadline is for payment of fees is May 1. The troop will begin final collection of the fees two weeks prior to the deadline.

The Summer Camp fees must be paid to the troop by the Monday troop meeting prior to the council deadline or a 25% late fee will be charged by the Council.

Pack Inspection - There will be a pack inspection scheduled prior to summer camp, and campers must have all mandatory clothing and equipment before they will be allowed to go.

Personal Equipment - The troop will provide a list of the mandatory clothing and equipment, and help when possible with such items as cots.

Troop Equipment - The Troop will provide normal troop camping equipment, such as tents, dining flies, patrol boxes, etc.

Transportation - Transportation of Troop equipment and as much personal gear as possible will be provided by the troop leadership. Transportation of youth members is the responsibility of the parents. Normally we try to do this in the manner described in "Transportation", above.


1. Conduct - All Members will conduct themselves as "SCOUTS" at all times, and the "Buddy System" will be used in all non organized activities.

2. Programs - Youth members are required to attend the BASIC ADVANCEMENT program, or if they have reached the rank of First Class or above they are expected to take at least 3 merit badge courses. Scouts will be required to participate in all Troop activities.

3. Meals - Scouts are required to attend all meals. Class "A" Uniform is required for all meals.

4. Formations - Scouts are required to be at formations on time. Repeated abuse of this rule will bring appropriate disciplinary action.

5. Discipline - Severe discipline problems will result in the parents being called to come pick up their scout.

The troop participates in an annual High Adventure program.  This is typically a long term wilderness backpacking or canoe trip.  To be eligible,  the scout must have successfully completed a long term summer camp with the troop and attained the rank of First Class.  This opportunity is intended to challenge the scout to use all of their abilities and to provide a life long memorable experience.  A high adventure chair and committee will be appointed by the Troop Committee each year and this committee will set the specific rules and plan the outing with the direct participation of the scouts.  A trip deposit will be required by Feb. 1st of the year in order to guarantee a spot in the outing.  Parents must help and while all boys will have the opportunity to sign up, there may be occasions where transportation or adult participation are lacking.  the group will be sized according to the available leadership and preference will be given to boys or patrols that are able to recruit the adult leaders to participate.  The High Adventure Committee is charged with working out the details and along with the Troop Committee, will make the final determination of the arrangements. 

The Troop tries periodically to schedule a day trip that we think will be fun or educational for the scouts. Places such as local businesses, skating ponds, local parks, military bases such as Fort Snelling are some of the sites we visit. Again these are limited by the transportation.



The Scouting program is not designed to solve youth discipline problems — on the contrary it's designed to build into youth the necessary character and responsibility to prevent discipline problems. The program needs all of the time available to it to accomplish these aims — thus administering the program to Troop 206's membership does not provide troop leadership any extra time to waste dealing with discipline problems. We believe it is the PARENTS who should have the direct responsibility to instill and reinforce good manners, socially acceptable behavior, and respect for authority in their boys.


The Troop Committee has established the following procedures concerning discipline:

1. Youth members are expected to live and act according to the Scout Oath, Law, Slogan,and Motto.

2. Rules infractions warrant verbal warnings or corrective actions and are administered by theScoutmaster or Adult Leader supervising the activity. Examples of infractions include: vulgar or profane language, disruptive behavior, cheating, lying, and disrespect for adult and/or youth leadership. Corrective actions the Scoutmaster may take (but is not limited to) are outlined in the official Scoutmaster Manual of the Boy Scouts of America. They include: "Time Out": A scout who is rowdy during a troop meeting is asked to sit away from the group for 10 to 15 minutes. "Loss of Privilege": Free time or participation in a monthly scout outing is denied to those scouts who breach the limits of acceptable behavior.  “Meeting Expulsion”: A scout who misbehaves during a troop meeting might be asked to call his parents to take him home and not finish the meeting.

3. Severe or continued rule infractions including theft, vandalism, the use of alcohol or drugs, fighting or any other physical abuse, will not be tolerated. The parents will be called to pick up their scout immediately, whether at a troop meeting or a distant camping trip. The parents are required to counsel the scout about his problematic behavior, and a follow-up call by the parents to the Scoutmaster to discuss the situation is required before the Scout may participate in any further troop meetings and/or activities.

4. The next stage of discipline is a 60 day suspension . At this time the troop Committee and/or their representative will meet with the parents to try to resolve the problem.

5. Further severe infractions may lead to expulsion from the troop. In these cases the Troop Committee will meet with the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters, and make a decision on the expulsion.




As in most other active organizations it takes money to be able to run and maintain the program. Scouting isn't free and each scout is expected to pay his fair share when it comes to registration, paying dues, and sharing camping expenses.

Registration fees collected each year are a major income source for the Boy Scouts of America National Organization. Troop 206 Recharters and pays registration fees to the National Organization on February 28th of each year. When a youth joins the troop he initially pays the registration fee, the Boy's Life subscription cost and a Troop fee.  The Troop fee is generally $35.00 and is used to help defray the cost of the program and equipment.




Equipment is a big part of the Scouting program and is often the subject of many questions by the parents and Scouts. "What do we need?", "What type do we need?", How good does it need to be?  These are the type of questions the leaders hear from the parents. This section deals with these questions as well as those pertaining to Troop 206 owned equipment.

Troop 206 owns a large amount of camping and associated types of equipment of substantial monetary value. The troop is well equipped with tents, stoves and lanterns, 20lb. propane fuel equipment, patrol cooking gear, dining flies, patrol and tent boxes, food and drink coolers, etc. and a trailer for hauling this equipment to our activity and camping locations. Troop ownership of this equipment saves the individual scouts from having to buy this equipment, but it carries with it the responsibility of each scout taking care and maintaining this equipment for use by future members of the troop

A series of rules pertaining to troop owned equipment have been established:

1. It is the responsibility of each scout to use and maintain any troop owned equipment in the manner for which it is intended in order to keep it in working order. Any malfunctioning or damaged equipment should be reported to the adult leadership immediately. This is primarily the responsibility of the Patrol Leaders and the Troop Quartermaster.

2. Any scout who damages any troop owned equipment is responsible for fixing or replacing that piece of equipment. If a specific person can't be isolated, or the damage was due to horse-play by several members of the patrol, then the patrol will be responsible for the cost or repair.

3. Damage through ignorance of how to use a piece of equipment is NO EXCUSE for a scout not replacing the damaged item. There are plenty of other scouts and adult leaders who can help. If you don't know the equipment - - - ASK BEFORE YOU USE IT!

4. During camp outs, all cooking equipment is to be thoroughly cleaned by the scouts and all scouts will be expected to participate in an equipment clean-up the first meeting after the outing.

5. DO NOT spray insect repellent in or near the tents. It ruins their water proofing.

6. Troop owned equipment MAY NOT be borrowed by Scouts for non Scouting events.

A certain amount of personal equipment is needed by each scout for participation in the camping and outdoor activities conducted by the troop. There is also a list of PROHIBITED items that have no place during a scouting activity or camp out.

1. Sleeping bag or bed roll - Troop 206 camps many nights per year, in all types of
weather. A middle weight bag is recommended for most of the troop camping. “Slumber party bags” that you use in your home are only suitable for the warmest weather camping. During winter camping, if you do not believe your son's sleeping bag is warm enough, extra blankets are needed to increase the sleeping bags ability to retain heat.   We camp in sub-zero temperature several nights per year and appropriate equipment and clothing are a must.  A sleeping bag rate for –10 or –20 degrees is needed for the coldest of outings.  A sleeping bag may be supplemented with blankets or a lighter sleeping bag inside the winter bag.
2. Poncho or raincoat
3. Change of clothing - On a summer overnight camp out usually one change of clothes is all that is needed. During cold weather or snow camp outs 2 or more changes of clothes and boot liners are required.
4. Outer clothing - In the summer we only carry light jackets, winter ware is warm coat and hat; (preferably a stocking cap) and gloves. Remember you will stay warmer dressing in layers. Members should wear hats at all times outdoors.. This is for warmth in the winter, sun protection in the summer.
5. Swimming suit and beach towel - (summer only).

Soap, Washcloth, towel, deodorant, tooth brush, tooth paste, comb or brush, and what ever you do, don't forget the "TP". (Toilet Paper)

1. Flashlight and Spare Batteries - A must have item, and it must be battery powered. Each scout needs a light source for camp outs. For one thing, "Flashlight tag" is a popular troop game on camp outs, and "It keeps away lions, tigers, elephants and ghosts. Remember, “bigger” does not mean “better”.  The flashlights should not be the large lantern types that are heavy and inconvenient.
2. Insect Repellent – We would prefer the non-aerosol type because insect repellent, if sprayed
on a tent removes the waterproofing.
3. Trash Bags – this item has a multitude of uses at camp besides taking care of trash. Scouts should keep a couple extra on hand.
4. Personal First Aid Kit – Consisting of a Band-Aid a small bar of soap (like hotel soap) and a quarter. The troop carries a well stocked first aid kit, but scouts are not always in the immediate vicinity. A personal first aid kit should be small enough to carry in the pocket, and is designed for minor scratches and cuts. Every scout prepares one of these as a Second Class scout.
5. Boy Scout Handbook, Pencil and Paper.
6. Totin’ Chip, Firem’n Chit, and Outdoor Code Cards- The scouts are required to carry these cards whenever they are at a scout function.
7. Back Pack or Duffel bag – A good back pack will cost over $100.00.  Make certain that the pack is properly sized.  Often, scouts will sell or trade up with other members of the Troop as they get older and their needs in the size department change.  The Scout’s name should be placed on the outside of the pack and other belongings

Closed Cell Foam Sleeping Mat -
If possible a closed cell foam sleeping mat used by hikers is a good item to have. it rolls up in a small space, and provides some ground cushion, and in the winter it provides ground insulation for warmth. Many types are available and range in cost.  The “Camp Rest” or “Thermo Rest” types are very popular.

Pajamas, Sweat Suit or Polypropylene long johns - for sleeping

Compass, - A good item to have. Many times scout functions include "Compass Courses" where 8 scouts are trying to share 1 compass.

Canteen - They should be plastic or metal, and have some way to attach to the clothing, or hang from the shoulder. Carrying a water bottle in your hands for 10 miles is no treat.


1. Sheath or large "Bowie Type" knives
- These knives are only useful for skinning a large - These knives are only useful for skinning a large animal or cutting someone else. Neither of which you are allowed to do at a scout function. B.S.A. has banned all use of these type of knives. Accepted knives include any Official Scout Knife, or any folding blade knife with blades no longer than 3+ inches. Banned knives will be confiscated and held for the parents if they are brought to a scout activity.
2. Any weapons - including sling-shots, pellet or BB guns, pea-shooters, blackjacks, brass knuckles, etc.
3. Radios, T.V.'s, tape players, or electronic games – These are not appropriate for scout functions, especially an outdoor experience.  The boys have plenty of time for this at home. Anyone found with these items will turn them over to an adult leader, and may not have them back until the outing or meeting is over.
4. Any obscene, vulgar, or questionable material including adult magazines - These items will be confiscated by the adult leadership and be held for the parents.
5. Soft drinks - we do not allow soda at our camp outs  



The Boy Scouts of America and the Troop 206 Committee have established policies and procedures in dealing with the necessary question of Health Forms and Accident Insurance. A good part of the Scouting program consists of an active and sometimes rigorous outdoor program and it is necessary to take basic steps to protect the health and welfare of the scouts and the troop.

Each youth member and adult troop leader is to have the appropriate medical examination form on file with the scoutmaster. The Boy Scouts of America requires that a scout and adult leader have an annual health history attested by a parent or guardian and supported by a medical evaluation by a physician licensed to practice medicine. The physical must have been within 36 months unless specific conditions dictate more frequent examination.

Youth member's Personal Health and Medical Record, Class 2 #4414 is the required form and this is to be on file with the Scoutmaster before any new or existing scout can participate in troop activities. You must attach a copy of the scout's last physical (within 36 months) signed by a Physician. In addition form 4414 must have the scout's social security number in the upper left hand corner of the form. The Scoutmaster will issue these forms as needed to the scouts.

Adult member Personal Health and Medical Record Form, Class 2 #4412A is the required form for adult leaders that is to be on file with the Scoutmaster. This form also requires the Social Security number in the upper left corner of the form.

Troop 206 and the Viking Council maintain a Unit Accident Insurance Policy as required by the Boy Scouts of America. Parents should be aware of the fact that this is a SUPPLEMENTAL accident insurance policy, and as such has limited coverage. It only pays costs that are not covered by your existing medical insurance, and the injury must occur at a scout function.

The troop activity plan usually involves travel to other locations in a parent or adult leader owned vehicle. The Boy Scouts Of America has established policy regarding drivers, vehicles, and insurance.



1. The troop will enforce reasonable travel speed in accordance with state and local laws in all motor vehicles.   Proof of Insurance is required for all vehicles used in scout functions or transportation.

2. If Scouts are transported by a motor vehicle:

A. DRIVER QUALIFICATIONS: All drivers must have a valid drivers license and be at least 18 years of age.
B. Driving time is limited to a maximum of 12 hours per day and must be interrupted by frequent rest, food, and recreation stops.
C. Seat belts are provided , and MUST BE USED, by all passengers and driver.
Exception: A school or commercial bus.
D. Passengers will ride only in the cab if trucks are used.

3. Parents providing vehicles for transportation of their son and/or other scouts MUST adhere to the above stated rules.


The amount of this coverage must meet or exceed the insurance requirement of the state in which the vehicle is licensed and the state where travel will occur. (It is recommended, however that coverage limits are at least $50,000 / $100,000 / $50,000. Buses and vans must carry $100,000 / $300,000 / $100,000 automobile liability. Vehicles not meeting at least the minimum insurance requirement CANNOT be used to transport scouts to Scouting Activities.




The scouting program is designed to teach, and promote leadership skills. The program structure contains a number of levels of youth leadership. The youth leaders (with guidance from the adult leaders) execute the troop program. These leadership programs are not taken lightly, they are considered very important. A Scout is REQUIRED to be involved in leadership if he is to advance in the higher ranks of Star, Life and Eagle. Eligibility standards for leadership positions have been established and are a combination of a scout’s participation records and current rank. The top leadership positions are elected while some are appointed by the Scoutmaster. Elections are held up to two times a year.   

1. Senior Patrol Leader - The SPL is the top youth leader in the troop. He conducts the troop meetings and Patrol Leaders Council meetings, passes on information from the Scoutmaster and generally watches over and leads the troop during scheduled activities.

2. Assistant Senior Patrol Leader - The ASPL is the SPL's assistant and stand-in for the SPL when he is unavailable. The Scribe, Quartermaster, Librarian, Historian, Den Chief and Chaplain's Aid report to the ASPL.

3. Troop Guide - The TG is assigned to the New Scout Patrol and reports to the Assistant Scoutmaster for that patrol. His job is to help the new scouts learn how the troop operates and assist in their rank advancement.

4. Patrol Leader - The PL is the leader of the patrol. He has the energy and training to make the patrol work as well as possible. The Patrol Leader for the New Scout Patrol is appointed by the Assistant Scoutmaster for the patrol, and is rotated on a monthly basis.

5. Assistant Patrol Leader - The APL is the Patrol Leader's assistant and replacement for the PL whenever he is unavailable. The APL is appointed by the Patrol Leader. In the new Scout Patrol the APL is the scout who was Patrol Leader the month before.

6. Other Positions - These positions include it Scribe, Quartermaster, Historian, Librarian, Den Chief, and Chaplain's Aid. They are explained in your Boy Scout Handbook, and they are considered leadership positions for the purpose of advancement.

The following eligibility requirements need to be met by any scout running for elected leadership positions, or holding any leadership position:

1. In the previous six months a scout must have attended at least 50% of the troop meetings.

2. In the previous six months a scout must have attended at least 50% of the troop monthly activities.

1. The Scout must fill the following Rank and requirements for both elected and appointed positions:

A. SPL - Be at least Star rank; have served as ASPL; have the approval of the Scoutmaster, and be elected by the troop.
B. ASPL - Be at least Star rank; have served as a PL; have approval of the Scoutmaster, and elected by the troop.
C. Troop Guide - Be at least First Class rank and be appointed by the SPL, with Scoutmaster approval.
D. Patrol Leader - Be at least First Class rank and be elected by the patrol.
E. Assistant Patrol Leader - Be at least First Class rank and be appointed by the PL.
F. OTHER POSITIONS - Appointed by the SPL with the Scoutmaster's approval.

2. Scouts nominated for elective positions must have the approval of the Scoutmaster and Adult Leadership.

3. A youth member may be removed from a leadership position if in the judgment of the Scoutmaster and troop leadership that he is not fulfilling the duties of the position or performing his duties in a way that has a negative effect upon the operation and welfare of the Troop.

Elections will be conducted at a regular troop meeting by secret ballot.

1. The current SPL will conduct the election.
2. The current SPL will call for nominations from the Troop for the Senior Patrol Leader.
3. There is no limit to the number of nominations of qualified candidates.
4. Potential nominees can accept or reject nomination.
5. Attendance for the last six months is checked.
6. Scoutmaster gives his approval
7. Ballots are passed out to the membership, the SECRET vote is taken and the ballots are collected and counted by the SPL and Scoutmaster.
8. The newly elected SPL is announced to the membership. The new SPL immediately takes charge and after conferring with the Scoutmaster, conducts the election/appointment of the other officers.
9. Patrol Leaders are elected by their own patrol members.
10. The new PL chooses the APL's with the approval of the Scoutmaster.





Rank advancement is one of the methods used in scouting to help advance the aims of the program and provide recognition to the scouts who have worked hard. Merit badges, badges of rank, and Eagle Palms are for youth who are registered Boy Scouts and have passed the requirements listed in the BOY SCOUT HANDBOOK. Refer to your handbook, or the BOY SCOUT REQUIREMENTS pamphlet for specific requirements.  All badges of rank require the scout to SHOW & DEMONSTRATE SCOUT SPIRIT. In addition some ranks require that SERVICE PROJECTS be performed. The troop committee follows the official Boy Scout Requirements as stated and has established policy to help further define the requirements for Scout Spirit and Service Projects.

It is easy to become a Scout. It is not easy to BE ONE. To be a good scout you need guts and determination. It means knowing and living the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan. It means PARTICIPATING and playing by the rules of the game to be a good member of the team. The Troop 206 Committee has established that a minimum of 50% attendance is required at all meetings and events for those youth working towards rank advancement.

Service projects shall be meaningful service not normally expected of a scout as part of his school, religious, or community activities. Service projects MUST BE approved by the Scoutmaster, and are only valid for a period of 6 months, and if a scout does not use the service project for rank advancement within that time it is no longer valid.

The purpose of the Board of Review is to make sure that all requirements for badges of rank have been met. This means a check of both the technical skills and the scout's attitude and practice of the ideals of scouting. Care is taken to see that the review does not become a reexamination. Spot checking is all that needs to be done in a board of review.

The Board of Review for Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star Scout and Life Scout are conducted by three or more members of the Troop Committee. This can include any combination of Officers or regular members of the committee. The Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters generally do not ask questions during these board of reviews, but can be present and help if requested by the committee. Parents may not be present at the board of review.

Eagle rank board of reviews are conducted by the Lake Minnetonka District Advancement Chairman, along with at least 3 members of the troop committee. The Scoutmaster and parents are not present for this board of review.





1.The Troop Leadership will establish boundaries on all camp outs. These boundaries are established for the health and welfare of the scouts and must be obeyed at all times.
2. The Buddy System will be used any time you are not in the campsite.
3. Running or horseplay is not permitted in the campsite.
4. Do not spray Insect Repellent in or near the tents.
5. Killing any type of animal, including snakes is prohibited. If a snake is thought to be poisonous call an adult leader.
6. Cutting or damaging trees or limbs from trees is prohibited without permission from the adult leadership.
7. Dumping foreign materials into lakes or streams is prohibited.

1. Upon arriving at a campsite, all troop and personal equipment is removed from the vehicles.
2. The leadership looks over the site and determines the location where the dining fly and tents
will be set up.
3. The first item to be set up is the dining fly. In bad weather all troop and personal equipment can be stored under the fly until the tents are set up.
4. Set up tents and store personal gear.
5. Establish a fire pit and safety zone if one is not provided.
6. Set up kitchen and dining area, and unpack patrol box. Setup propane tank, stove, and lantern.
7. Establish an ax yard with barrier walls and an entry way.
8. Check with the SPL or Patrol leader for other assignments.

Except for medical reasons, the only food allowed on camp outs is the food purchased by the patrols for the camp out. Extra candy, or chips is prohibited.

No food in the tents.
1. It draws insects and animals, and sharing a tent with a hungry raccoon
is not an experience that the scouts will enjoy.
2. We do not allow soda on a camp out.
3. Food will be stored in the food boxes provided at all times. Any food left out may be eaten by non-paying patrol members (animals). This is more of a problem at campsites, because the animals are often used to being around people.
4. Garbage and trash must be kept picked up and placed in the trash barrels or containers at all times for the above stated reasons.
5. Do not throw food scraps and garbage into the Campfire. Paper items may be burned, but food soaked items will only smolder and stink.

1. The use of an ax, saw or hatchet is restricted to an established cutting yard, unless approved by the adult leadership. Scouts using these tools must attend a "WOODS TOOL SAFETY" training course, and have a "TOTIN' CHIP" card in their possession.
2. Only one person at a time is allowed in the ax yard.
3. Check for proper tool clearance.
4. Store tools properly after use.
5. Cutting or damaging a live tree or bush is prohibited, except by prior approval of the adult leadership.
6. Anyone using a knife will maintain a "Safety Zone" around them, and if someone enters that zone they must stop using the knife immediately.

1.  Fires will only be allowed in established fire pits. Anyone who wants to light a fire must attend a “Fire Safety" training class, and have a "FIREM'N CHIT" card in their possession.
2. Establish a 5 foot clear zone around the fire pit before lighting a fire.
3. Playing in the fire or removing a burning item from the fire and playing with it will not be tolerated, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

1. Anyone wishing to enter a campsite in which they are not camping must stop at the entrance and ask permission to enter. If it is denied that person may not enter.
2. Leader's Chairs are for LEADERS ONLY.

1. Swimming is only allowed at established swimming areas, whether provided or troop established.
2. A BSA lifeguard must be present.
3. The buddy system will be used at all times in any type of aquatic activity.
4. Buddy checks and tag systems will be established and used.
5. Anyone using any type of boat will wear a personal flotation device at all times.
6. Boats will be properly stored after use.



Items not covered in this policy manual will be interpreted by the Scoutmaster when on an outing and taken up by the Troop Committee at the next meeting.  Pertinent decisions will be incorporated into this document.


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Last Update May 15, 2023